Sources and Selected References

Monographs, contributions to periodicals, articles from the internet...

Please note that many links to electronic contents do not work any more (especially to servers in the PRC). Some texts have been moved to servers abroad, some have just been removed, or they have disappeared behind pay walls or have become accessible only through academic institutions. But please try: A number of those texts might still be found through search engines. 

Sources and Original Texts

Personal Memories, Interviews with Former Activists and Observers

The 1976 April 5th Tiananmen Movement

Petitioners and Rehabilitation

The Li Yizhe Group in Guangzhou

General Accounts of the Democracy Movement

The Democracy Movement in the Chinese Provinces

The 1980 Election Campaign on Various Campuses

The Avant-garde Art and Culture Movement

The Chinese Democracy Movement in Exile

Publications by Helmut Opletal