Die Demokratiebewegung in den chinesischen Provinzen
Jie Ming 解明: Nanjing de Li Yizhe - Xu Shuiliang 南京的李一哲--徐水亮 (Xu Shuiliang - Nanjing's Li Yizhe). In: Dongxiang 動向, nr. 5, Hong Kong, February 1979, pp. 23-24
Mou Chuanheng 牟传珩: Minzhuqiang shiji de huiyi lu 民主墙时期回忆录 (Looking back at the time oft he Democracy Wall). In: Boxun.com (USA), no date, retrieved 4.2.2014
Mou Chuanheng 牟传珩: Minzhuqiang shiqi Shandong Minzhu Yundong jianji 民主墙时期山东民主运动简记 (Abstract of the Democracy Movement in Shandong at the time of the Democracy Wall), 10.8.1998, Qingdao, from difangwenge.org (USA) , 07.12.2009, retrieved 4.2.2014
Mou Chuanheng 牟传珩: Shei chuixiangle "shichang jingji" de haojiao – mingji „Min Yun“ changlao Tang Gede jian jinian "Minzhuqiang Yundong" 30 zhounian 谁吹响了"市场经济"的号角——铭记"民运"长老汤戈旦兼纪念"民主墙运动"30周年 (Who has given the signal for a "market economy" – we will always remember the forefather of the "Democracy Movement", Tang Gedan, commemorating the 30th anniversary of the „Democracy Wall Movement). Human Rights in China (USA), no date (around 2008), retrieved 4.2.2014
Shanghai chuxian fan Hua Guofeng de dazibao 上海出现反华国锋的大字报 (A big-character poster against Huo Guofeng that has appeared in Shanghai). In: Observer/Guanchajia 观察家, Nr. 16, Hong Kong, February 1979, pp. 37-40
Wang Yong'an 王永安, Zhou Xiuqiang 周修强: Guizhou "Qimengshe" shi mo ji 贵州"启蒙社"始末记 (The story of the "Enlightment Society"). [Internal Report by two journalists of the People's Daily]. Published in: Wangshi 往事 (Jilin Chuban Jituan Monthly/吉林出版集团纪实性综合月刊), nr. 99, originally quoted in: 21ccom.net/Gongshiwang 共识网 (Hong Kong), 20.8.2010, now available from Sina.com (Beijing), retrieved 01.11.2017
Wuhan minzhuqiang tan minzhu. Si Wu Xuehui fayanren da duzhe wen 武汉民主墙谈民主。四五学会发言人答读者问 (Talking democracy at the Wuhan democracy wall. Answers to readers by the spokesman of the April 5th Study Group. In: Observer/Guanchajia 观察家, Nr. 18, Hong Kong, April 1979 (pp. 10-11)
Zhang Jing 張菁: Jinian Guizhou Minzhuqiang yundong 30 zhounian 紀念貴州民主牆運動30周年 (30th anniversary oft he Democracy Wall Movement in Guizhou). In: epochtimes.com (USA), 23.12.2008, retrieved 4.2.2014
Zhi Si Wu Xuehui de yi feng gongkai xin 致四五学会的一封公开信 (An open letter to the April 5th Study Group. In: Observer/Guanchajia 观察家, Nr. 18, Hong Kong, April 1979 (pp. 12-13)